Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A Deadly Soiree: A Sims 3 Story

Dr. Marvin Shelby held the vial carefully and poured the manic red fluid into the beaker, where it hissed and bubbled. He pursed his lips, eyes narrowing, as loud thumping echoed through the room. The distraction ceased and he continued with his work. Cautiously, he opened a jar containing the scales of Deathfish and pinched one with a pair of sterile tweezers.  His tongue slipped between his lips in concentration as he leaned over the angry beaker of fluid, poised to dropped the scale.

                THUMP! THUMP! THUMP!
                Startled, Dr. Shelby bumped the table with his hip, causing the beaker to teeter perilously. He jumped back before the potion came slipping on the floor, but a small splash caught his wrist and the acrid scent of burning flesh filled his mouth and nose. 
                "Aghhh!" He leapt for the safety sink and scrubbed the deadly solution from his skin, leaving patchy red marks up his forearm. He whirled to face the staircase, face wrinkled with fury, "Rigger! RIG-"
                Before the name escaped his lips a second time, a small gnarled man made entirely of metal scraps screeched into the room.  Dr. Shelby snarled and yelled, "What is that noise? I can't work with that noise!" He clenched his fists in front of him.
                The little metal man named Rigger replied, his voice a strange combination of protesting rusty cogs and clinking glasses, "We seem to have a visitor, Master. A woman."

                Dr. Shelby glared at Rigger. "Make. Her. Go." Each word forced in an attempt to constrain his temper. "I will not have any distractions." He started to turn, but a new voice stopped him.
                "Master, a pretty lady." Dr. Shelby wrinkled his nose in disgust at the slow Neanderthal's voice. "Earl let pretty lady in. She give Earl cookie."
                "What?" He pivoted to face the second tiny man with bushy eyebrows and crumbs around his mouth. Earl shrank back from him, confused. "Arghhh! Fine. I'll see what she wants." He bent low and poked Earl in his round little belly. "And I'll deal with you later."

                Stomping down the stairs, Dr. Shelby muttered to himself aloud, "I don't know what Mother ever saw in him..."
                Rigger, oblivious, replied, "Money. Money is all she ever needed from any of us." Dr. Shelby shot him a look of loathing over his shoulder as Rigger clanked down the stairs. Earl was using his club as a crutch and picking his nose. All you are good for too.
                As Dr. Shelby entered the parlor, a prim and proper blonde strode up to him, hand outstretched. "Welcome to the neighborhood. I'm.." The offered hand hung suspended in the air and she quickly retracted it, recovering from the slight. "I'm Connie Stepford, chair of the welcoming committee. I brought you some of my famous Oatmeal Raisin cookies. I hope it's okay, but I fed one to one of your pets. I've never seen pets like these." She bent down to scratch beneath the chin of a small furry bear serving champagne and nearly had her fingers nipped off as it tried to bite her.

                Smirking at the woman, Dr. Shelby reprimanded the creature, "Hugh, it is not kind to bite our guests, tasty as they might be." Hugh made a noise that was a mix between a bark and growl, which Connie realized was an attempt at laughter.
                Connie smiled, meekly, no longer sure of herself. "Ah, yes, I said, I'm chair of the welcoming committee, but I'm also a Mayoral Candidate, one of the many candidates." She rolled her eyes. "Anyone can sign up to complete for the Mayoral seat, but the lot that's signed up, well...let's just say it's a diverse group. Anyway, I'm having a little soiree at my place tomorrow evening to get to know some of the voters and I'd love to have you attend. Don't worry, there will be other candidates present so you can get to know them as well."
                A loud knock sounded from the front door. Dr. Marvin Shelby threw up his hands in exasperation and exclaimed, "Another one?"
                He strode to the door and yanked it open, only to find no one there. He stepped out on the porch and searched the dark yard, when a foul stench filled his nose. He looked down to find his pant leg on fire and his shoe covered in dog feces. Stomping and whirling, Dr. Shelby finally put out the flames, just as a young woman in pigtails came yelping out of the bushes.

                "Ahhh! Something bit me!" The woman screamed, clutching her rear end.
                High pitched, but seductive giggling followed her and a flying little woman landed beside the wide-eyed trespasser. "Master, it would seem you have another warm welcome." She licked her lips and continued, "Very warm indeed."

                "Cassie Proke! I should have known!" Connie was standing in the doorframe behind Dr. Shelby, frowning in disapproval. "This is no way to greet our new neighbors. You are a grown woman. When will you ever grow up?"
                Cassie rolled her eyes. "It's all in good fun." She leered at Dr. Marvin Shelby. "You don't mind, do you?" She stuck out her bottom lip and peered up at him with round innocent eyes, never fooling the man for a second. This is a dangerous one...
                Mrs. Stepford squirmed around Dr. Shelby and stormed up to Cassie, yanking on her ear. "If you want to act like a child, I will treat you as one. I may not be your mother, but I will not sit by and watch this behavior."

                She turned to face him, dragging Cassie with her. "I apologize. I will escort her home and make sure she stays put. Unfortunately, Cassie decided to sign up for the Mayoral Gauntlet as well so she will be at my little soiree as well." She sighed dramatically and continued, "I do hope to see you tomorrow; in fact, I insist on you attending. It's not right to leave this as your welcome." She gestured dismissively toward Cassie, still grasping onto her.  
                Mrs. Stepford nodded to Dr. Shelby and said, "Well, have a good night. Taa-taa!" Cassie managed to stick out her tongue at him before being dragged away.
                The little woman glided up beside Dr. Marvin Shelby and they both watched Mrs. Stepford and Cassie depart. "You'll need to watch that one, Master. She has...bad blood."
                For a second, Dr. Shelby's eyes seemed to glow and he replied, "Yes, I agree. I think I will need to attend this little party. I may come home with another souvenir for my... collection."


                After the shocked silence following Dr. Marvin Shelby's appearance at the very floral party, Mrs. Stepford hesitantly guided him Dr. Marvin Shelby to a loud and scantily clad woman. "Caprice, this is our new neighbor, Dr. Marvin Shelby."

                Caprice raked her eyes up and down the length of Dr. Shelby. She flashed him a small seductive smile, bit her lip and said, " look like you'd be a lot of fun." Connie blushed at her brazen behavior, excusing herself to check on the hors d'oeuvres.
                "Lay off. I saw him first." Cassie squeezed between Caprice and Dr. Shelby, giving him a wicked wink intended for his eyes only. Dr. Shelby squirmed, uncomfortable with this attention and suspicious of Cassie's games.
                "Oh please. If he wanted a little girl, he'd visit the school yard." Caprice cocked her brow and smirked at Cassie.
                Dr. Marvin Shelby caught a few fragments of conversation at the bar that intrigued him and he tuned the girls out, letting them bicker. Without turning, he glanced over at the three men.

                "The fire completely devastated Strangetown."                The blonde apparently off duty firefighter said, shaking his head animatedly. "It took three districts to put the thing out and by then, half the town was in ruins."
                Dr. Shelby smiled to himself, shifting his weight.
                "I've been to that town. Aptly named place, I'll tell you. Creepy." The handsome man shuddered behind the bar.
                The firefighter shrugged and replied, "Maybe it was, Carmul, but I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Several people died."  
                " there would be pretty cheap then..." The third man said, pensively. His crisp suit reeked of money and ambition.
                "Come on, Joseph. You aren't seriously thinking of swooping in and robbing these people blind." Firefighter asked, incredulous.
                "Business is business, Seth." Joseph grinned as he stood, pulling out a high tech cell phone and wiped the face of it with a handkerchief. "Excuse me..." He said, walking away.
                Seth, the firefighter, sighed and excused himself as well.
                If they only knew...
                Dr. Shelby returned his attention to the girls, just in time to see Caprice explode in anger and stalk away, downing her drink in one shot. He raised his eyebrows in surprise, having missed the whole conversation.  

                Cassie slipped her arm into his and looked up at him, batting her eyes. "Be a dear and get me a drink. I'd love a Sweet Hijinks after that encounter." She twirled a finger in her hair and went to sit down.
                He stood there, stunned, unsure what to do. He wondered at what point he became her date for the evening. Muttering to himself, Dr. Shelby walked up to the bar. The man named Carmul smiled and nodded in greeting, "You must be Dr. Shelby. You're the talk of the town lately. I hear all sorts of crazy stories." He laughed and leaned over, whispering, "So is it true you kidnap orphans for your experiments?" Carmul smirked.
                Dr. Shelby bristled. "The abuse of children is not a joke." Beneath his suit, his muscles were tense and he worried he may have an episode soon if he's not careful. Too many people.
                "Whoa. Sorry." Carmul busied himself with mixing the drinks he ordered, occasionally sneaking glances his way.
                A beautiful woman with exotic eyes slipped up to the bar. She wore a flowing white gown with her hair cascading down her back. "Can I get a Kyoto My Heart please?"
                "Of course." Carmul grinned. "Where are you from? You have a slight accent I can't seem to place..."
                "Oh, I'm from all over. I travel a lot; I recently came from Al Simhara. I'm Leanna." She returned his warm smile.

                "Really? I've always wanted to go there. I want to collect some new ingredients like the Life Fruit, Flame Fruit and Pomegranate. I bet I can make far superior drinks with them." Carmul said, excitedly, nearly spilling the drinks he slide over to Dr. Shelby. Carmul's eyes never left Leanna as Dr. Shelby stood and walked away.
                Anxious, Dr. Shelby dropped Casse's drink in front of her and without saying a word, left and went to find Mrs. Stepford. He needed to get out of there quick. His hands shook and his heart was beating like a cornered rabbits'.
                Dr. Shelby walked through the swinging kitchen door. He heard voices and laughter and made his way toward it. "Mrs. Stepford?" He called.
                As he rounded a corner in the large kitchen, he found Mrs. Stepford tangled up in the arms of the firefighter. "Anytime you need me, Connie, I'm here for you, you know that?" He whispered, nuzzling her.

                Dr. Shelby backed away, hoping they wouldn't notice his intrusion.
                "Oh God!" Mrs. Stepford exclaimed, attempting to straighten her mussed hair. "Oh, Dr. Shelby. I...we...oh, please don't tell anyone. My husband...he's never home and I..."
                Lifting his hands and shaking his head, his body tenser than earlier, "Everyone's got skeletons in their closets, at least yours aren't literal." He backed away and jumped when he heard screams come from the other room.
                Together, the secret lovers and Dr. Shelby ran back to the party. A huddle of people, some crying and others gossiping, blocked the view. Cassie slithered between the group, heading away from the mob. As she passed him, she shrugged and said, "I just bumped her." She flashed him a malicious grin and continued, "It wasn't my fault she was downing Cherry Casanovas. Cherries should come with a choking hazard."
                As she walked out the door, she turned and made a phone sign with her hand, flirting with him. Oh yes. I will definitely be adding her to my collection. The little monster.

                "Is she dead?" Mrs. Stepford cried out. Seth shouldered his way through the crowd. He pulled her into his arms, but not in the same embrace as earlier, and started performing CPR. Dr. Shelby knew it was futile.
                Caprice was dead.
                The air grew cold and Dr. Shelby shivered as his sixth sense  was triggered. He's coming.  Invisible spirits brushed his skin as he tried to reach the front of the crowd. They didn't disturb him; he's grown up with them his whole life. Unlike for Seth, the crowd didn't move for him. They stood like a barricade against him.
                The tension in him reached a boiling point and he knew he should get out of there, knew what was coming, but he needed to see him. Angrily, he shoved people out of the way, but too late, the usher of death vanished after the ghost of Caprice.
                "DADDY!!!" Dr. Shelby screamed, breaking down. The tension of the evening exploding from him in that one moment. The other guests backed away from him, eying him with alarm.

                As quickly as it had arrived, the episode passed. He stood and brushed himself off.  Silently, he strode over to Mrs. Stepford, face set in determination.
                She cowered from him, but he ignored her fear as he said, "I think this town has closets that need cleaning up." Connie's eyes widened as she glanced at Seth. "Yes, I think it's time I took my little crusade to a more global level, starting with the townspeople of New Pleasantview. Tomorrow I will submit my name for consideration as Mayor."


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