Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Andrew Fisher- Entry for Anchy1991's Matchmaking Contest

1. Creator's name:Mom2Elias
2. Sim's name: Andrew Fisher
3. Sim whose mate this is: Zelda Mae
4. Traits: Hydrophobic, Good, Angler, Great Kisser, Heavy Sleeper
5. Screenshots (head portrait, and at least two different pics):

6. Link to your Sim:

7. Anything else:

Andrew's dream to become the Dreaded Captain Drew was always doomed. The fear of water for a pirate is a downer. Not to mention any plunder he got his hands on he ended up giving back to its owner with his sincere apologies. Although he made a poor pirate, if he maintained a safe distance from the waters edge, he was a great fisherman; it's in his blood. With all the fish he catches, Andrew has a great relationship with the local gardening club by donating fish as fertilizer for the green thumbs.


As Zelda Mae browsed Anchy1991's Matchmaking website, searching for a mate who would rock her world and dance to the same tune, a ding notified her of a message in her inbox.


Forgive the intrusion; I realize on your profile you said you had your sights set on a Rock God, but when I saw your picture I knew I had to speak with you. You have the look of a dreamer and I felt a connection. Even if only to be friends, I'd love to get to know you. Maybe we can S.I.M and talk of our wishes for our lives? My username is Dreaded Drew. BTW, I love your username, a nice play on your initials and dream.

Smooth sailing,

Andrew Fisher

Zelda pursed her lips and glanced to the short list of other prospects. Well, he does seem nice. would be nice to talk with. My sister just frowns anytime I mentioned anything to do with becoming a Rock Star. Yeah...we'll only be friends.

Time passed and their friendship online grew stronger. It really felt great to talk about the difficulties of conflicting traits and lifetime wishes. She definitely felt better about her chances when she found out that Drew is a Hydrophobic Pirate. The day finally came when he requested to meet in person. Biting her lip, she hesitated in her response.

Z..M2theStars: In person?
Dreaded Drew: Yeah. I've got my next batch of fish and I wanted to give you prime pickings to use on that rare new Life fruit plant you told me about. The S.V. Gardening Club likes them as fresh as possible so I was hoping you could meet me in the park before the debate, "Best Fertilizers: Minnow vs. Shark"

Zelda Mae smiled. He always knew the right thing to say. She was really excited about her new Life plant and fertilizer would help stabilize it in it's new climate. They agreed to meet at 1 pm. She spent hours in front of the mirror, deciding what to wear, but finally admonished herself for being silly and threw on a nice animal print top. Not trying too hard, just friends... She dashed out the door, only to spin around and run back into the house to pin a hibiscus flower in her hair.

As she pulled into the park, butterflies fluttered and danced inside her.  Why am I so nervous? Eyes searching, Zelda found Andrew delightedly pulling a Perfect Goldfish from the pond by the bridge and her breath caught.  He's even cuter in person...

Shaking her blonde tresses, she strode nonchalantly up behind him. He was so caught up in fishing he didn't notice her and acting on impulse, she leaned over his shoulder and placed her lips to his ear and whispered, "Boo."

Andrew jumped slightly and swiveled his head in her direction. Zelda didn't have time to pull her head back as Drew's lips brushed hers, soft as a breeze. He moved to face her, leaving only a sweet inch between them. She felt his breath caress her lips as they searched each other eyes, trying to discover what that spark they felt meant.

"Zelda Mae..." He seemed to breath her name like a whispered prayer. A feeling of warmth and contentment bloomed inside her and overcome, Zelda leaned in for their first kiss.  From that point on they were inseparable and set the date to declare their commitment to each other.

On the day that they were wed, these were their vows to each other:

"You may not be virtuoso, but you will always be a Rock Star to me, Zelda Mae." Andrew said, slipping the star shaped diamond on to her slender finger.

Grabbing her fiance's hand, Zelda replied, "And you will always be the rogue pirate who stole my heart." After sliding the titanium skull and crossbones ring on his finger, they both shone with love for each other, as brilliant as the stars in the sky.

They live happily ever after, supporting each others unrealized dreams and puttering away in the garden.

Zelda Mae found out when they moved in together that he was truly the perfect man; he just slept right through her partying.


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